神田外語大学国際コミュニケーション学科 教授 (Professor, Department
of International Communication)
Nations University、
日本国際政治学会、国際安全保障学会、アジア政経学会、軍事史学会、アメリカ学会、現代韓国朝鮮学会、Society for
Historians of American Foreign Relations (USA)に所属。
Keio University, M.A. (Political Science). Research Fellow, Research Institute for Peace and Security (Tokyo), Security Studies Program, 1992-94; Visiting Research Fellow, Yonsei University, Graduate School of International Studies (GSIS)/ Institute of Modern Korean Studies (Seoul, Korea), 2008-2009.
Participated in the Study Group on Defense and Diplomacy (Japan Defense Agency) (2001-03), Japan-Korea Forum(2003-2004); Korea-Japan Policy Dialogue (Sejong Institute)(2003), Northeast Asia Cooperation Dialogue (NEACD)(2008), Project on Northeast Asia Security and Japan (Japan Institute for International Affairs)(2004-05), National Security Archives Korea Project (2004-2008), Korea Peninsula Project (Keio University Institute of East Asian Studies)(2007-2009),Study Group on Global Security (Ministry of Defense, Japan)( 2008-09), Project on Asia-Pacific Regional
Security Architecture (Tokyo Foundation)2009-; Project on Japan-US/ROK-US Alliance Study (Suntory Foundation), 2009-.
Lectured at Keio University, Tokyo University, United Nations University, National Defense Academy, National Institute of Defense Studies, Seoul National University, Yonsei University, and other venues. Appeared in CNN, NHK World, NHK Radio, Arirang TV(Korea), and other media.
Specializes in international politics, East Asian international relations and security, U.S.-Korea relations. Member of Japan Association for International Relations, Japan Association for International Security, Japan Association for Asian Studies, Association of Korean Studies, Japan, Military History Society of Japan, Japan Association for American Studies, Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations (USA).
・"Bringing Japan into the equation: revitalizing the three way alliance
will be successful if Japan is included," The Korea Herald, April
21, 2008, p.4 [co-authored with Nam Chang-hee, Robert Dujarric]
・"The Western Pacific Collective Security Concept and Korea in the
Eisenhower Years: The U.S.-ROK Alliance as an Asia-Pacific Alliance,"
The Journal of Kanda University of International Studies,
Vol.20(March 2008), pp.1-30
・"Restructuring U.S. Alliances in Northeast Asia and Prospects for
US-Japan-ROK Security Cooperation" [co-authored with Chang-hee Nam,
Robert Dujarric], in Hyung-Kook Kim, Myongsob Kim, Amitav Acharya, ed.,
Northeast Asia and the Two Koreas -Metastability, Security and Community.
Yonsei University Press, 2008. (pp.107-160.)
Alliances to New Realities: A Japanese Perspective"(pp.47-53) in Brad
Glosserman, ed., U.S.-ROK-Japan Relations for the 21st Century, Issues
and Insights Vol.7,No.5, Pacific Forum-CSIS, (Honolulu, HI: May 2007)
・『危機の朝鮮半島』慶應義塾大学出版会、2006年 (共著)(「第4章 岐路に立つ米韓同盟―ポスト9.11の米軍変革の中で」)
・"U.S.-Japan-Korea Security Cooperation in the Changing Defense Posture of the U.S. Forces in Northeast Asia," Korea Observer (Seoul: The Institute of Korean Studies, ed.), Vol.37, No.3, (Autumn 2006),pp.443-485 [co-authored with Chang-hee Nam, Robert Dujarric]
・“Origins of the U.S.-ROK Alliance as a ‘Regional Alliance’-U.S. Policy
on Asia-Pacific Collective Security and the Formation of the U.S.-ROK
Alliance, 1953-54,” Military History (Seoul: Institute for Military
History Compilation, Ministry of National Defense) 57 (December 2005)
(The Korean Peninsula and International Politics: Development and
Transformation of the Cold War. Keio University Press, 2005),
co-authored (Chapter 13)
・JIIA Policy Report: Resolving the North Korean Nuclear Problem: A
Regional Approach and the Role of Japan. (Project for Northeast Asian
Security) Japan Institute for International Affairs, July 2005). http://www.jiia.or.jp/pdf/0507_teigen.pdf
・『北東アジアの安全保障と日本 (Northeast Asia Security and Japan)』(平成16年度研究報告書、日本国際問題研究所、2005年3月(共著)
(第5章「正念場を迎える米韓同盟」担当) http://www.jiia.or.jp/indx_research.html
JIIA Northeast Asia Security and Japan, Project Report, (March 2005),
“U.S.-ROK Alliance at the Crossroads”(Sakata)
・(「朝鮮半島安全問題與中國因素:機会與挑戰」(Korean Peninsula Security and the China Factor:
Opportunities and
Challenges)『中國*起之再省思:現實與認知』(台北:國立政治大学國際関係研究中心、2004年) (The Rise of China
Revisited: Perception and Reality (Taipei, 2004)
・Proceedings of Japan-Korea Security Dialogue: “The Future of
Japan-Korea Security Cooperation: U.S. Alliance Transformation and
Northeast Asia Security,” hosted by Institute of East Asian Studies,
Keio University and Ilmin International Relations Institute, Korea
University, 2004. (“U.S. Military Transformation and the Future of the
U.S.-ROK Alliance: A Japanese Perspective” (in Japanese)
・『9.11以後のアメリカと世界』南窓社、2004年(共著)(第2部6章「アメリカと朝鮮半島」担当)America and the World
in the Post 9-11 era (Tokyo: Nansousha, 2004), co-authored (Part 2,
Chapter 6, “America and the Korean Peninsula”(Sakata)
・『兵器の拡散防止と輸出管理―制度と実践』有信堂、2004年(共著)(第2部6章「北朝鮮」担当)Export Control: A
Strategy for Preventing Weapons Proliferation (Tokyo: Yushindo,
2004), co-authored (Chapter 6: “North Korea” (Sakata)
・"Building a Security Community in Northeast Asia? The Six Party Talks
and Beyond," Sung-Hack Kang, ed. The United Nations and Global Crisis Management
(Seoul: Korean Academic Council on the United Nations System,
・“The U.S.-ROK Alliance in Transition: The Post-Cold War Redefinition
and Beyond,” Asian Cultural Studies (Tokyo: Institute for Asian Cultural
Studies, International Christian University) Special Issue 13 (2004).
・「アメリカと朝鮮戦争-限定戦争、休戦、そして統一問題」赤木完爾編『朝鮮戦争-休戦50周年の検証−半島の内と外から』慶應義塾大学出版会、2003年. The
Korean War: Re-examining the Armistice at 50 (Tokyo: Keio University
Press, 2003), co-authored (Chapter: “America and the Korean War: Limited
War, Armistice, and the Unification Problem” (Sakata)
・ジョン・ルイス・ギャディス 『ロング・ピースー冷戦史の証言「核・緊張・平和」』(共訳)(芦書房、2002年) (co-translation:
John Lewis Gaddis, Long Peace)
John Lewis Gaddis, Long Peace, co-translated (Tokyo: Ashi Shobou, 2002)
・W.ラフィーバー 『アメリカの時代−戦後史のなかのアメリカの政治と外交』(共訳)(芦書房、1997年)(co-translation:
Walter LaFeber, The American Age)
・「アメリカ合衆国1945−50年:極東の新秩序をめぐる『対ソ封じ込め戦略』」、『歴史の群像シリーズ60 朝鮮戦争』(学研、1997年) (“U.S.A.,
1945-1950: Containment Strategy toward the Soviet Union in the Far East,”
Rekishi no Gunzou Series No.60: The Korean War (Tokyo: Gakken,
・"Emerging Concept for a 'Pacific Community' and U.S.-ROK Security
Relations" in Chae-jin Lee and Hideo Sato eds., U.S.-Japan
Partnership in Conflict Management-the Case of Korea (The Keck
Center for International and Strategic Studies, 1993)、など。
最終更新日: 2009/10/21