関屋 康

This course examines theories, research, and practice in foreign and second language learning, thereby gaining an understanding of the processes and variables involved in second language acquisition in various contexts including Japanese EFL classrooms.There will be a mixed format for the classroom activities: some lecture, students’ presentations, discussion, checking assignments, group work.

評価方法: (a) Participation in discussion
(b) Quality of presentations
(c) Quality of assignments
(d) Grades on the two exams
(e) Term paper: A literature review on a SLA topic with at least 10 relevant readings on the  

テキスト名: Rod Ellis, The Study of Second Language Acquisition. (2nd ed.), Oxford University Press, 2008

  Reading Packet (Selected Articles on SLA)
Lightbown & Spada (2006) How Languages are Learned
JACET SLA研究会『文献からみる第二言語習得研究』開拓社、2005年

注意事項: 使用言語:英語と日本語

1. Major views on first language acquisition: (1) Behaviarism  (2)Innatist View (3) Interactionist View (4) Connectionism
2. Major views on second language acquisition: (1) Behaviorism (2) Innatist View  (3) Cognitivist Views (Information processing; Connectionism) (4) Interactionist View
3. Language Transfer
4. Learner error and error analysis
5. Developmental patterns in second language acquisition
6. Pragmatic aspects of learner language
7. Input and interaction
8. Social factors
9. Cognitive factors
10. Sociocultural theory
11. Linguistic universals
12. Individual learner differences;
13. Age and maturational constraints
14. the neuropsychology of SLA
15. Classroom interaction
16. Form-focused instruction