
Develops and improves argumentative and critical-thinking skills in communication settings. Topics include analysis of discourse, development of sound oral reasoning, proper methods of refutation, and the facilitation of argumentation in group situations. Through participation in various types of in-class debates and forums on current topics, students research topics, discover issues and formulate propositions as they apply to social and personal decision-making. Note that this class is mainly taught in Portuguese, therefore students are very much encourage to use Portuguese during classes and debates.

評価方法: Students will be evaluated for attendance, debate preparedness, debate participation, use of in-class prep time, completion of required assignments, involvement, and quality of performance.

参考文献: To be announced

  Students may find useful to have a book of verbs and a good dictionary with them all times.

注意事項: This is a rewarding yet challenging class. This class demands that you do your best, and nothing less than your best should be forthcoming. Note that this class is mainly taught in Portuguese, therefore students are very much encourage to speak in Portuguese in class, enhancing, this way, their language skills in a flexible and communicative way.
Important note: This syllabus is tentative. Changes may be made at the discretion of the teacher.

1. 1. Overview of the course: instructional objectives; target objectives of the course; materials; classroom policies; evaluative criteria.

2. Introduction to debate

3. Introduction to discussion skills on simply giving opinions to supporting, explaining, and presenting opinions.
2. Objectives: recognize different types of opinions, use reasons to explain opinions, use evidence to support opinions, critically evaluate reasons and evidence, apply all the listed skills within a debate format.
3. - Opinion survey
- Explaining your opinion
- Brainstorming reasons
- Supporting your opinion
- Organizing your opinion
- Presenting your opinion
4. - Refuting opinions
- Making refutations
- Tennis debate
- Challenging supports
- Challenge supports
- Critiquing an advertisement
- Organizing your refutation
5. - Mini-debate
- Debating an opinion
- Flowing a debate
- In class debates
6. - Introduction to critical thinking and debate skills focuses on building arguments, presenting arguments, and evaluating arguments.
- Objectives: build arguments using reasons and evidence, present arguments systematically, evaluate arguments, demonstrate the listed skills within the context of debate.
7. - Brainstorming reasons
- Supporting your opinion
- Organizing your opinion
- Presenting your opinion
- Refuting opinions
- Making refutations
- Tennis debate
8. - Challenging supports
- Challenge supports
- Organizing your refutation
- Mini-debate
- Debating an opinion
- Flowing a debate
- In class debates
9. - In class debate
- Analysis and discussion
10. - In class debate
- Analysis and discussion
11. - In class debate
- Analysis and discussion
12. - In class debate
- Analysis and discussion
13. - In class debate
- Analysis and discussion
14. - Final in class debate
15. - Evaluation of  the final debate