  Listening Comprehension and Speaking-2

At the end of the course, students able to comprehend the ideas and content of medium-complex Indonesian texts or stories and re-tell in clear and fluent Indonesian; express feeling, explain the process, give advice, reason, or argument in Indonesian communicatively.

評価方法: 1. Classroom activities
2. Individual task and performance
3. Middle test
4. Final presentation

テキスト名: SuyotoListening and Speaking Kanda University of International Studies, Chiba2009. revised edition
Tim Bakti GuruKumpulan Cerita Rakyat IndonesiaGramedia, Jakarta2001
SuyotoBunga Rampai Cerita AsikIndonesian Studies Program, Malang-Indonesia2008

1. Listen to recorded medium-complex Indonesian stories, such as the legends or ethnic stories.
2. Answer the specific and/or analytic questions concerning the readed texts or listened stories.
3. Re-tell and reproduct the some ideas or contents of stories with own Indonesian vocabularies and own expression.
4. Make and perform the Japanese legend or Japanese fiction story to new Indonesian version story.
5. Listen to and analyze the Indonesian advertisement or commercial and make or pperform the similar advertisement or commercial by using the Japanese products.
6. Explain the steps of the process, such as making something, cooking, using the machine, attending the ceremony, etc.
7. Give response and advice about something by using the reasonable ideas, illustrations, etc.
8. Give argiment to support the ideas, concepts, activities, plan/program, and/or dreams.