前期(月・1)時間割表へ |
前期(木・1)時間割表へ |
英語総合講座III-43 Songs, Music, and Language Learning |
11002143 |
This course will look at why SONGS and music are often very popular with language learners and what the advantages are to learning many things with songs. The course is meant to be valuable to learners who wish to learn through using songs (and who wish to improve their strategies for doing so) and for language teachers-to-be who may want to use songs in their classes later on. I did my PhD on the use of songs and music in language education when I lived in Switzerland and I will also be sharing the background research and the many studies that support the use of songs and music in the classroom and in our lives. Students will be expected to share their favorite songs (or lines of them) in different activities with classmates and to analyze why lyrics are popular and how they might be useful to them in terms of language learning. We will also explore new ways to use songs and music in the classroom. Proposed Projects 1. My Life History of Music and Song and Language Learning: Publication Midterm 2. Group projects for Song-Writing and Performing 3. Learning & Research Publication: End of term Homework for EACH class: 1) Following the schedule handed out at the beginning of the course, you will musically teach things (words, idioms, sayings lines to a song, etc.) to partners at the beginning of every class. We learn when we teach others. 2) You’ll write and draw at least a page in your action log after each class, evaluating the activities and reporting on the other homework assignments that you did. Action logs will be turned in weekly and you will get feedback from the teacher. 3) You will have a short article (page or two) to read in preparation for the next class. Approximate In Class Time Use: Teacher Lecture Time 25%, Student-interaction time with seriously playful and creative tasks 75%. Approximately 800 words reading a week (a 2-page article), 100 writing. Mid-term and end of term papers about 750 words each. Evaluations: Your attendance and participation (30%) are seen partially through your action log (40%) as well and the quizzes (10%) and papers (10%) and group projects (10%). All of these overlap. You will fill out a self-evaluation at the end of the semester. Potential Topics: The importance of music and song in 1) the development of human language 2) the development of infant language 3) adolescence 4) adult-hood 5) generational identities 6) cultural “imagined communities 7) social bonding 8) friendship making 9) falling in love 10) comforting one’s self in hard times 11) politics 12) commercials 13) movies 14) dance 15) language learning 16) language teaching 17) mood changing 18) self singing 19) creativity and playfulness 20) health |