
Learn how to use computer applications and create web pages in English.


1. Students will learn how to use three Microsoft Office Programs in English.
2. Students will develop skills and know-how to create web pages on the Internet for an English-speaking audience using related software.
3. Students will compare and understand the differences in style and formatting of documents in English and Japanese.
4. Students will learn appropriate methods for searching the internet.

Main Activities

1. Students will use the laptop computers to learn how to use the Microsoft Office programs. They will be making presentations about each of the three programs.
2. Students will study the reliability of websites and how to plan and create a good website. They will then make their own website using the skills and knowledge acquired.
3. Students will read one article per week pertaining to what is being studied in class. Students should be prepared to discuss the articles they have read.
4. Students will be required to keep a journal to reflect on their learning each week.

テキスト名: Students will need a USB memory stick and a file folder for holding handouts.

1. Students will create presentations and learn formatting using Microsoft PowerPoint.
- Students will conduct some research and create presentations.
2. Students will create presentations and learn formatting using Microsoft PowerPoint.
- Students will conduct some research and create presentations.
3. Students will create presentations and learn formatting using Microsoft PowerPoint.
- Students will conduct some research and create presentations.
4. Students will create presentations and learn formatting using Microsoft PowerPoint.
- Students will conduct some research and create presentations.
5. Students will create documents and learn formatting using Microsoft Word.
- Students will use assignments from other classes or work on writing for these documents.
6. Students will create documents and learn formatting using Microsoft Word.
- Students will use assignments from other classes or work on writing for these documents.
7. Students will create documents and learn formatting using Microsoft Word.
- Students will use assignments from other classes or work on writing for these documents.
8. Students will create documents and learn formatting using Microsoft Word.
- Students will use assignments from other classes or work on writing for these documents.
9. Students will create documents and learn formatting using Microsoft Word.
- Students will use assignments from other classes or work on writing for these documents.
10. Students will create documents and learn formatting using Microsoft Word.
- Students will use assignments from other classes or work on writing for these documents.
11. Students will create spreadsheets and learn formatting using Microsoft Excel.
- Students will conduct surveys and research information to gather information for the spreadsheets.
12. Students will create spreadsheets and learn formatting using Microsoft Excel.
- Students will conduct surveys and research information to gather information for the spreadsheets.
13. Students will create spreadsheets and learn formatting using Microsoft Excel.
- Students will conduct surveys and research information to gather information for the spreadsheets.
14. Students will create spreadsheets and learn formatting using Microsoft Excel.
- Students will conduct surveys and research information to gather information for the spreadsheets.
15. Students will create spreadsheets and learn formatting using Microsoft Excel.
- Students will conduct surveys and research information to gather information for the spreadsheets.
16. Students will create spreadsheets and learn formatting using Microsoft Excel.
- Students will conduct surveys and research information to gather information for the spreadsheets.
17. Students will evaluate a variety of styles and purposes for websites in English and Japanese.
18. Students will evaluate a variety of styles and purposes for websites in English and Japanese.
19. Students will evaluate a variety of styles and purposes for websites in English and Japanese.
20. Students will evaluate a variety of styles and purposes for websites in English and Japanese.
21. Students will create their own webpage
22. Students will create their own webpage
23. Students will create their own webpage
24. Students will create their own webpage
25. Students will create their own webpage
26. Students will create their own webpage
27. Students will view and evaluate their classmate’s websites.
28. Students will view and evaluate their classmate’s websites.