  Understanding World Politics

Why do certain countries dislike each other? How did America become a world power? Why is Japan’s relationship with China the way it is? This course will look at different regions and political issues with the aim of better understanding the present-day political world. We will discuss all sides of sensitive issues, for example, the Israel/Palestine conflict, Taiwan’s relationship with China or the increased use of terrorism worldwide to further political goals. The end goal is for students to not only understand why the world is the way it is, but what Japan’s role is in the future, so that students can become well-informed, critically thinking global citizens.

There will be 2 presentations in this course, 1 individual, 1 group:
-a report on a country, its relationship with Japan, and its role in the 21st century
-a report on a political issue, its history and suggested solutions/responses

There will be weekly readings for which active discussion and participation are required. Each student will be responsible for leading 1-2 of these class discussions over the semester based on news articles.

Written assignments will include an end of unit paper for each region covered and a report on the country selected for individual presentations.

1. Japan & Asia
2. United States
3. Asia Pacific
4. The Middle East
5. Africa
6. Europe

評価方法: Class Participation/Attendance 30%
Reflections/Homework/Quizzes 15%
Unit Papers 15%
Individual Presentation/Report 20%
Group Presentation 20%

テキスト名: There is no required textbook, readings will be provided throughout the semester. It is recommended, however, that you buy a notebook for taking notes, writing reflections and homework assignments.

注意事項: This is not a good class for students who have problems with attendance and coming to class on time.  If you find that you have to miss a class, it is your responsibility to find out about the homework that will be due for the next class.  When you come to the next class, have the new homework finished so you are ready to participate with your classmates.  If you come to class without your homework, you may not be permitted to attend, and you may be marked absent for the day.

1. Japan & Asia
2. Japan & Asia
3. Japan & Asia
4. Japan & Asia
5. Japan & Asia
6. Asia Pacific
7. Asia Pacific
8. Asia Pacific
9. Asia Pacific
10. Asia Pacific
11. United States
12. United States
13. United States
14. United States
15. United States
16. The Middle East
17. The Middle East
18. The Middle East
19. The Middle East
20. The Middle East
21. Africa
22. Africa
23. Africa
24. Africa
25. Africa
26. Europe
27. Europe
28. Europe
29. Europe
30. Europe