    English for International Communication III-7

Course Description: Do you want to volunteer in your local community? Do you want to experience volunteering with your classmates? Do you want to learn to think critically about your experiences and about the organizations that host volunteers? If so, this is the class for you.

Objectives: The main goal of this course is to encourage you to ask questions about what’s going on in your world and the world around you. In addition, by volunteering first-hand you will be making a contribution, however large or small, that you will hopefully be proud of. The final objective of the course is to familiarize yourselves with working with technology, specifically interacting with blogs. We will be documenting all of our experiences.

評価方法: Grading: 20% - Participation & Attendance
20%  - Volunteer Organization Profile
20% - Class Volunteer Project
40% - Individual Volunteer Project

テキスト名: Readings and materials will be provided by the teacher.

注意事項: Attendance is very important

1. Lecture Topics: The class will be split into three major sections. Section 1: What is volunteering? This will be a chance for the whole class to work together to choose, plan, and execute a class volunteer project. Everything will be documented and put on the class web site blog. Section 2: Volunteering organizations. Conduct interviews with volunteer organizations, ask critical questions, and present your findings in groups. Section 3: This is your chance to go out into your communities and volunteer somewhere and do something that you’re really interested in. You will share your experiences in a PowerPoint presentation worth 40% of your grade.