  Documentary Film

i) Identify and discuss the aims and goals of a range of documentary films, and the techniques used by filmmakers to achieve these;
ii) Utilise these techniques in a series of practical workshops;
iii) Complete a short documentary film project.

評価方法: Class attendance and participation - 40%
Homework assignments - 20%
Project preparation - 25%
Final project presentation - 15%

テキスト名: No textbook required

注意事項: You will need a USB flash memory stick big enough to store video files for homework/project work (at least 4GB recommended)

1. DISCUSSION - What Is A Documentary Film?
2. WORKSHOP - Video Equipment
3. DISCUSSION - What ELSE Is A Documentary Film?
4. WORKSHOP - Video Editing (part 1)
5. DISCUSSION - Documentary Genres (part 1)
6. WORKSHOP - Video Editing (part 2)
7. DISCUSSION - Documentary Genres (part 2)
8. WORKSHOP - Genre Production
9. DISCUSSION - Documentary Genres (part 3)
10. WORKSHOP - Genre Manipulation
11. DISCUSSION - Balance and Bias
12. WORKSHOP - Visual Persuasion
13. DISCUSSION - Narrative Structure
14. WORKSHOP - Building a Story
15. DISCUSSION - Documentary Personalities
16. WORKSHOP - "The Ken Burns Effect"
17. DISCUSSION - Interview Techniques
18. WORKSHOP - Interview Editing
19. DISCUSSION - Reality and Reconstruction
20. WORKSHOP - Copyright and Fair Use
21. DISCUSSION - Documentary Shorts
22. WORKSHOP - Project introduction
23. DISCUSSION - Biography films
24. WORKSHOP - Project development
25. DISCUSSION - Documentary entertainment
26. WORKSHOP - Project development
27. DISCUSSION - Experimental Documentaries
28. WORKSHOP - Project development
29. DISCUSSION - Mockumentaries
30. Project presentations