  Introduction to American Culture and Society
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This course focuses on the traditional mainstream values that have attracted people to the United States for well over 200 years and traces the effect of these values on American life. The topics to be covered include religion, government, race relations, education, the family, and current issues surrounding American society. Students must READ EXTENSIVELY on these topics and analyze texts critically. They are also encouraged to think about their own values and behavior patterns and compare these with what they are learning about America.  The class involves a great amount of group and class discussion, so ACTIVE PARTICIPATION in discussion is crucial.  Furthermore, we are planning to have some joint sessions with students from Dartmouth College in June.

評価方法: 1. Class Participation
2. Quality of Assignments
3. Group Presentation
4. Exam
5. Final Essay
6. Vocabulary Quizzes
7. Media Journal

テキスト名: Maryanne Kearny Datesman, JoAnn Crandall, Edward N. Kearny, The American Ways: An Introduction to American Culture, Longman, 2005

1. Introduction 1: Definition of Culture
                A Nation of Immigrants: Ethnic Diversity
                Cultural Pluralism in the United States
2. Introduction 2: Making Generalizations about American Beliefs
3. Traditional American Values & Beliefs 1: The Context of Traditional American Values:
                                         Racial, Ethnic, Religious, and Cultural Diversity
                                         Individual Freedom & Self-Reliance
4. Traditional American Values & Beliefs 2: Equality of Opportunity & Competition
                                         Material Wealth & Hard Work
5. American Religious Heritage 1: Freedom of Religion in the United States
                               The Development of Protestantism in the United States
                               The Protestant Heritage: Self-Improvement
6. American Religious Heritage 2: Material Success, Hard Work, & Self-Discipline
                               Volunteerism & Humanitarianism
                               Born-Again Christians & the Religious Right
7. Government & Politics in the United States 1: The Organization of the American Government
                                              The Ideal of the Free Individual
8. Government & Politiics in the Uniteds States 2:The Development of Big Government
                                               The Role of Special Interest Groups
9. (Mid-term Exam)
10. Ethnic & Racial Assimilation in the United States 1: Melting Pot or Salad Bowl
                                                     The Assimilation of Non-Protestant &
                                                                     Non-Western Europeans
11. Ethnic & Racial Assimilation in the United States 2: The African-American Experience
                                                     The Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s & 1960s
                                                     Race Relations After the Civil Movement
                                                     The Japanese-American Experience
12. Diversity in Today's United Staes 3: Latinos: The Country's Largest Minority Group
                                     Illegal Immigrants
                                     Linguistic Diversity or English Only?

13. The American Family 1: Family Structures
                       The Emphasis on Individual Freedom
                       Marriage & Divorce
                       The Role of the Child
14. The American Family 2: Equality in the Family
                       Four Stages of Marriage Relationships
                       The Role of the Family in Society
                       Family Values
                       The Role of the Child
15. America's Music: The Blues and Jazz
                 Folk Songs
16. Food Culture: Fast Food
17. Session with Dartmouth Students (Topic to be announced later)
18. The American Values at the Crossroads:The United States in the 21st Century 1:
                                       Factors that Affect American History
19. The American Values at the Crossroads: The United States in the 21st Century 2:
                                       20th-Century Challenges to American Values
20. (Final Exam)