  Introduction to public argument
青沼 智

What we will be dealing with in this course is the basic theory and practice of argumentation and debate. You will learn how to make better decisions through exchange of rational argument.The course will provide you with ample opportunities to (1) be familiar with the basic principles and rules of critical, argumentative communication and (2) apply such knowledge to quasi-public argumentative situations through participation in classroom debates. The work of this course will be roughly divided into two phases. The first half will be devoted to discussions and lectures of debate theory. In addition, You will also have chances to familiarize yourselves with debate in informal settings. Most of the second half of the course will be devoted to formal debates. Schedule for debates will be negotiated and announced, and you are to be expected to perform debates on the days assigned. Each students will debate both sides of the topic.

評価方法: Class reports, library research, informal and formal debate performances.

テキスト名: To be announced in the first class of the semester.

注意事項: 1. 受講希望者が20人を超過する場合は、第一回目の授業時間に試験による人数調整を行う。第一回目の授業に出席しなかったものは原則として履修を認めない。
2. Those who wish to register must meet the C-level of English-language proficiency. Sorry, no exception.

1. Details are to be announced in the first class of the semester.