
In this course students have multiple oppoturnities to giving opinions and exchange opinion about common topics realted to daily conversations of Vietnamese people.

評価方法: attendance, do homeworks, behavior in class, test of result

テキスト名: Nguyen Van Hue, The Vietnamese Language Textbook for Foreigners 3, Education Publishing House, 2003

1. Unit one: Describing people
1. Reading a paragraph and exchange opinion about describing a man of the writer
2. Comparing two pictures, giving opinion about the person when he is a student and when he becomes a businessman
3. Giving opinion about changes of the person’s appearance in the paragraph
4. Telling about your appearance when you were a pupil
5. Describing your father or mother’s appearance
6. Describing hair and face of a person in your class
7. Exchange opinion about how a person is liked by everybody
8. How do you think about the first impression?
9. Telling your impression about a Vietnamese person you met for the first time
10. Writing: writing your opinion about the first impression.

Unit two: Health

1. Reading a paragraph and exchange opinion about comparing the two persons’ health
2. Giving opinion about how to keep the health
3. Exchange opinion about smoking and drinking
4. Telling about your parents/grandparents’ health
5. Exchange opinion about the most importance in your life (health, money, love, friends, family…)
6. Giving opinion about how to have a long life
7. Giving opinion about smoking in public
8. Exchange opinion about eating and drinking of children now
9. Writing: writing your opinion about how to keep your health

Unit three: Studying

1. Reading a paragraph and exchange opinion about subjects of a pupil
2. Telling about the subject you like most
3. Telling about the subject you don’t like to study in junior school
4. Giving opinion about how old children in your country go to school
5. Do you contact with old friends after graduating from school or college?
6. Telling about a memory you have still remembered when you were a pupil.
7. Exchange opinion about your studying Vietnamese now
8. Writing: writing your opinion about your studying Vietnamese and English

Unit four: Money

1. Reading a paragraph and exchange opinion about the rich woman but not happy
2. Giving opinion about spending money
3. Exchange opinion about whether a person is happy without money
4. Telling your past experiences about money when you were a child
5. Exchange opinion about giving a child money after he finishes his work
6. Exchange opinion about parents should give children a sum of money for their spending
7. Exchange opinion about children should not play games for money
8. Writing: writing your opinion about money


Final test