  Curriculum design for elementary school English activities

The course is built around the project of designing a curriculum including rationale, goals, institutional constraints, method, content, learner characteristics and evaluation. Participants will also fashion a teaching sequence of a song, game, storybook or a cross-curricular activity as an example for syllabus designers or materials writers.
As part of the background to curriculum design, participants will become acquainted with Piaget and Bruner on child development and with Task Based language Learning, the theory of multiple intelligences and other relevant theory in reference to language acquisition

評価方法: Grading will be based on attendance, participation in class discussions and both completion and quality of assigned homework.

テキスト名: 文部科学省小学校英語活動実践の手引2000

1. Song experience 1: Song 1 (1)
Curriculum vs. syllabus
The components of a curriculum
Classroom Language (1)
Homework: Assigned reading
2. Song experience: Song 1 (2)
Song experience: Song 2 (1)
Game experience: Game 1
Curriculum component 1: Rationale and goals
Classroom Language (2)
Homework: Assigned reading
Write rationale and goals for your own curriculum
3. Song experience 1: Song 1 (3)
Song experience 2: Song 2 (2)
Game experience: Game 1 (1)
Curriculum component 2: Institutional framework
Classroom Language 3
Homework: Write up the “Institutional framework” section of your curriculum.
4. Song experience: Song 1 (4)
Song experience: Song 2 (3)
Game experience: Game 1 (2)
Discuss “Institutional framework” section of your curriculum
Curriculum component 3: The learners
Language teaching games 1
Homework: Write up the “Learners” section of your curriculum
5. Song experience: Song 1 (5)
Song experience: Song 2 (4)
Game experience: Game 1 (3)
Share “Learners” section of your curriculum.
Language teaching games 2
Designing games
Homework: Select or design a language teaching game. Make materials and be ready to demonstrate the game in class.
6. Song experience: Song 2 (5)
Song experience: Song 3 (1)
Game experience: Game 1 (4)
Lecture: Lesson Sequencing for games
Homework: Write up a four or five part lesson sequence for a game and be prepared to present it to the class and demonstrate the game
7. Song experience: Song 3 (2)
Present lesson sequences for games
Curriculum component 4: Content
Homework: Write up the “Content” section of your curriculum
8. Song experience: Song 3 (3)
Present content section of your curriculum
Lecture: Language teaching songs
Homework: Review book of teaching songs. Be prepared to make general comments on book. Prepare handout of lyrics for one or two songs and bring materials (CD, cassette) to play song in class.
Assigned reading
9. Storybook experience: Story 1 (1)
Present songs to class and explain materials
Songs: lesson sequencing
Curriculum component 5: Methodology
Homework: Write language learning history. Write up a model lesson sequence for a song.
10. Storybook experience: Story 1 (2)
Discussion of language learning histories.
Methodology questionnaire
Present lesson sequences for songs
Homework: Write up “Methodology” section of curriculum
11. Present “Methodology” section of curriculum
Lecture: Teaching storybooks
Curriculum component 6: Model unit
Homework: Select a storybook to share with the class next week. Write up a lesson sequence. Write up the “Model unit” section of your curriculum.
12. Present storybooks and lesson sequences.
Present the model unit of your curriculum.
Curriculum component 7: Evaluation
Homework: Write up the evaluation section of your curriculum.
13. Present completed curriculum