
テキスト名: Nguyen Van HueVietnamese Language Textbook for Foreigners 3Educational Publishing House2003

1. This course concentrates on systemizing ways of speaking and fundamental grammar points in the Vietnamese language. Students are also taught ways of distinguishing Vietnamese words having similar meanings in different situations. Learning about Vietnamese culture is  also an essential part of this course.
1.  A time to remember.
Functions: Talking about your childhood; exchanging opinion about the reason why old people usually remember their past
Grammar: Express result with ….ra; conjunction thi; evaluations with adjectives
Listening: Listening to a woman talk about her memory when she was a pretty student
Writing/Reading: Writing your opinion about old people who usually talk about their past; Reading about a woman’ s childhood
2. He has so many intentions.
Functions: Introducing your future intentions; describing your class’s plan for a vacation
Grammar: Constructions moi…mot…; le ra…; …the nao duoc….; …ca…lan…
Listening: Listening to people talk about their intentions
Writing/Reading: Writing about your intentions after graduating from college; Reading about a man who has so many plans for his life
3. I don’t like working in the city.
Functions: Talking about job preferences; describing a dream job that you want
Grammar: Construction so di … la vi …; adverb suyt; verb tro thanh; evaluation with xue
Listening: Listening to people talk about their jobs
Writing/Reading: Writing your opinion about why people have to work; Reading about how to become a barber of a young man
4. Review lesson 1 to lesson 3
5. Final test