  Speaking 2

This course was designed to allow students to express the complex and perspective ideas, opinions, evaluations, reasons, and/or advices clearly and also able to make an analysis and/or prediction in oral Indonesian fluently.

評価方法: 1. Classroom activities
2. Role-play and discussion
3. Individual task
4. Presentation

テキスト名: SuyotoReading 2Draft2004/2005
SuyotoFormal IndonesianISP Malang2002
Sasaki ShigeruKamus Kecil Indonesia-Jepang MutakhirGrup Sanggar2002

  Some kind of Indonesian films and VCD about Indonesia, produced by Departemen Pendidikan Nasional Jakarta "UNGKAPAN BUDAYA"; published in 2001.

1. Express the special or interesting experiences in formal and informal Indonesian.
2. Express the problems, and ask for complain or rejection.
3. Ask for and give the responds, such as comments and reasons or advices about something, someone, situations, cases, etc.
4. Give the logical reasons or arguments and make the prediction about facts, choices, situations/conditions, cases, etc.
5. Give and accept or decline the invitations for personal visits, the cinemas, sport functions, etc.
6. Make and receive booking for the tickets, accomodations, meals, etc. in dirrect communication by using telephone.
7. Report, describe, and explain occurences, such as loss or theft of properties, accidents, breakdowns, faulty equipments, etc.
8. Transfer the concepts and rhetoric from Japanese to Indonesian.
9. Conduct the conversations in Indonesian on general topics, such as Indonesian area topics.
10. Comprehend the spoken Indonesian transmitted via electronic media, such as documentary films; or in face-to-face situations.