  Writing 1

This course was designed to allow students to express the general ideas and/or opinions in writing Indonesian clearly and systematically.

評価方法: 1. Classroom activities
2. Individual task
3. Small test
4. Presentation
5. Final Examination

テキスト名: SuyotoWriting 1Draft2004/2005
John U. WolfBeginning Indonesian Book 3Cornell University Press1996
Sasaki ShigeruKamus Kecil Indonesia-Jepang MutakhirGrup Sanggar2002

1. Write (or fill in) the personal identity in academic or specific forms.
2. Write the simple expreiences by using the appropriate Indonesian language style.
3. Write and give a respond to the simple personal letter and/or notes.
4. Write information about tourist or interesting places, including simple commercial for products and/or services.
5. Write the guidance or mannual to do or to use the special matter, such as electronic goods, Japanese kimono, etc.
6. Write the main points, summary, and conclusion of the information like a news, cases, or stories.
7. Write a short story, both the real and fiction story.
8. Write the formal or bussiness letter, including work application letter in Indonesian.