  Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language


This course will be taught by Hamish Gillies and Christopher Stillwell.  

"Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language" is a hands-on course where you will learn by experiencing different activities and discovering practical aspects of language teaching for yourself, then explore the theories underneath those aspects.  Weekly responsibilities include: 1) reading chapters from teaching literature; 2) writing journal entries; 3) preparing and conducting practice teaching lessons.

評価方法: Students' grades will be based on weekly microteaching, preparation for class (including doing the required readings), active participation, quality of journal reflections and portfolio work, and final practice teaching.  

Those students who miss a significant number of class sessions will automatically fail the course.

テキスト名: Tanner & GreenTasks for Teacher Education: CoursebookLongman/Pearson1998

注意事項: This is not a good class for students who have problems with attendance and coming to class on time.  If you find that you have to miss a class, it is your responsibility to find out about the homework that will be due for the next class.  When you come to the next class, you are expected to be ready to participate with your classmates.  If you come to class unprepared, you may not be permitted to attend, and you may be marked absent for the day.
If you miss classes in which you are expected to practice teaching, you will have to find time on your own to make up for the experience.

1. Beginning at the Beginning- Ice Breakers, Getting to Know Each Other, and Starting on the Right Foot
2. Motivation
3. Microteaching- All class participants will take turns acting as teacher, giving short practice lessons
4. Teaching English Thru English
5. Microteaching
6. Teaching Reading
7. Microteaching
8. Teaching Writing
9. Microteaching
10. Teaching Vocabulary
11. Microteaching
12. Teaching Oral Communication
13. Microteaching
14. Teaching Listening
15. Microteaching
16. Integrating the Skills
17. Microteaching
18. Preparation for Practice Teaching
19. Final Practice Teaching
20. Final Practice Teaching
21. Final Practice Teaching
22. Final Reflections, Discussion of Portfolios