    Business English IIA
  Business Speaking in English

This course concentrates on developing skills in effective public speaking in business situations. From this course, you should learn how to organize and effectively present your ideas effectively in English. This course is particularly valuable for students who may work in business environments requiring speaking and communcation in English.
Class activities will include lectures on how to prepare speeches, discussion of appropriate topics, presentation of speeches, and discussion of each speech given. Topics will be chosen according to individual interests.

評価方法: Since giving presentations and responding to presentations of others in class is essential, your grade will be based on attendance, active participation, and completion of all assignnments. Attendance is mandatory. Three unexcused absences will result in lowering your final course grade by 10%. Excessive tardiness (two times equals one absence) will also result in lowering your grade. Class attendance and activities will be treated as in a real job situation; please handle them as professionally and responsibly as you can.

テキスト名: No textbook will be required. Lectures and activities will be supplemented by handouts and other material supplied by the instructor.

注意事項: Class Home Page: http://www.renshaworks.com/course/BusEngIIa.htm
Please check this page regularly. It is i-mode compatible and can be reached by ordinary browser or any internet compatible mobile device.
Business English is not required for taking this course.
While not required, a score equivalent to TOEFL 500 or better is recommended for this course.

1. Introduction to Business Speaking
2. Organizing and Developing Ideas
3. An Introductory Speech
4. Understanding and Analyzing Audiences
5. Using Visual Aids in Speaking
6. A Demonstration Speech
7. Making Convincing Arguments
8. A Persuasive Business Speech