Japan in the American Imagination 青い目に映るニッポン

This course will examine representations of Japan in modern American media (journalism, film, television, comics, etc.), drawing connections between the various representations and the historical moment of their production, defined primarily in terms of the evolutionary stage in postwar Japan-U.S. relations. A second key component of the course will be the function of orientalism in shaping American images. There will also be some consideration of Japanese representations of America and the West. As much of the course deals with film, students will be expected to watch the films either privately or in class viewings scheduled outside of class time.      

  Students with questions or wishing to discuss the course with me are welcome to visit me in my KUIS office (1-327).

1. Class introduction, explanation of syllabus.
2. Key terms, concepts and metaphors
3. The First Encounter: Japan in the Eyes of the Earliest Missionaries
4. Renewed Contact: Perry in the Eyes of the Japanese
5. Orientalism (reversed?): Nitobe Inazô, Okakura Tenshin
6. Mr. Moto and the Sinister Oriental (Film)
7. The Art of War: Mutual Images During the Pacific War
8. Japan in the Print Media, 1970 ~ 1990.
9. Film: Gung Ho (I)
10. Film: Gung Ho (II)
11. Film: Mr. Baseball
12. Film: Black Rain
13. Documentary: The Japanese Version
14. Film: Lost in Translation
15. Film: The Last Samurai (II)
16. Japan on Contemporary American TV (Simpsons, South Park)