  Interaction in intercultrual settings

This is the second semester of Introduction to Intercultural Communication. In this term the course offers an insight study of nonverbal aspects of intercultural communication. By looking at different applications of intercultrual communication, students get closer to the understanding of the process of cultural adaptation, to the characteristics of intercultural conflicts, and to the ways of applying knowledge about intercultural communication.

評価方法: Based on attendance and activity in class; small written contributions, paper-tests and group-presentations are required.

テキスト名: Martin, J.N.& Nakayama, Th.K., Intercultural Communication in Contexts (Chapters 7-12), McGraw-Hill, 2004(3rd ed.)

  Certain parts of the designated chapters will serve as the basic text; the rest is recommended and is to be considered as reference material.

1.Comparing verbal and non-verbal communication from an intercultural point of view.
2.The universality of nonverbal communication versus cultural variations.
3.Cultural space: changing cultural space, the postmodern cultrual space.
4.Intercultural transitions: its forms: migrants, foreign workers, foreign students.
5.Cultural adaptation phases, culture shock, adaptation and identity.
6.Folk culture, popular culture and intercultural communication.
7.Benefits and challenges of intercultural relationships.
8.Relationships across differences.
9.Characteristics of intercultural conflicts.
10.Interpretive and critical approaches to social conflict. Managing conflicts: competition versus cooperation.
11.The components of intercultural competence: individual and contextual.
12.How to deal with intercultural conflicts: entering into dialogue; building coalitions. Intercultural literacy: its importance.