1. | Introduction and Definitions |
2. | Language and Evolution |
3. | Children Language and Culture |
4. | Language, Culture, and Thought (Sapir-Whorf) |
5. | Basic Terms and Concepts in Sociolinguistics |
6. | Sociolinguistic Diversity (Pragmatics and Socio-pragmatics) |
7. | Examples and Analysis of Speech Acts and Speech Act Rules |
8. | Phatic Communication, Ritual Speech Acts and an Analyses of Compliments |
9. | Kenesics and Non-verbal Communication |
10. | Dialects: Regional, Social Class, Age, Gender |
11. | Discourse and Sociolinguistics |
12. | Language and Talk as Play |
13. | Ethnographic Field Methods and Sociolinguistics (Labov and Hymes) |
14. | Pidgens, Creoles and Lingua Franca |
15. | English as a World Language and National Language Planning |