Beginners English I
  Focus on Pronunciation, Reading, and Listening

To develop a basic communicative competence in English
To develop a basic understanding of English as a linguistic system
To develop good relationships with instructors and classmates and to create a positive classroom environment

評価方法: Class Attendance: 20%
Participation / Attitude: 10%
Homework Assignments: 20%
Independent Study: 10%
Quizzes / Tests /Semester Exam: 40%

テキスト名: John and Liz Soars, American Headway Starter, Oxford University Press, 2002
Tim Falla, John and Liz Soars, American Headway Starter Workbook, Oxford University Press, 2002
John Murphy, New Headway Video Beginner, Oxford University Press, 2002
Yoko Matsuka, Take off with Phonics Book 1 & 2, Matsuka Phonics Institute, 1991

1.Introduction of students, instructor and pronunciation system, a warm-up for the lessons.
2.Unit 1: Greetings, am / are / is / my / your
3.Introduction numbers 1-10, This is..., Numbers 1-10
4.Plural nouns Is this...? This isn't... book / Quiz 1
6.Unit 2: he / she / they /
7.his / her, countries, Questions with where, what
8.numbers 11-30, Reading and listening book / Quiz 2
10.Unit 3: am / are / is / Negatives, questions and short answers
11.Personal information ( age, address, married, job),
12.Social expressions, Reading and speaking
13.Workbook / Quiz 3
14.Unit 4: Possessive adjectives, Possessive 's, The Alphabet
15.Has / have, Negatives, questions and short answers, The family, adjective+noun
16.Questions with how and who, on the phone
17.Workbook / Quiz 4
18.Video: Episode one
19.Unit 5: Present simple, Articles ( a, an ), Countable and uncountable nouns
20.Verbs, Negatives, Questions and answers, Languages, nationalities and sports,food and drinks
21.Numbers and prices ( How much...?)
22.Reading and speaking
23.Workbook / Quiz 5
24.Unit 6: The time, Days of the week, Prepositions of time
25.Present Simple ( he / she / it ), Adverbs of frequency,
26.Questions and negatives, more verbs, Words that go together
27.Vocabulary and speaking
28.Workbook / Quiz 6
29.Video: Episode 2
30.Semester Exam