
Animation and comics in Japan have had a huge impact on youth culture, not only in Japan but all around the world. This course will look at the phenomenon of "Japanime" in English speaking cultures in regards to its history, development and impact on animation around the world. We will also study English through the translated versions of more famous Japanese animations such as Miyazaki films and analyse the themes and discuss language use. This course uses the popularity of animation as a means to interest students in the study of English language in the English translated versions of popular Japanese animated films and TV shows. The focus of the course, therefore, is not only discussion of the animated films themselves, but the study of English through this popular media. Objectives of the course are:
1. Students will gain an understanding of the impact of Japanese animation on youth around the world.
2. Students will gain an understanding of the history and development of animation and the reasons for its growing worldwide popularity.
3. Students will study English through familiar texts, where they will be able to concentrate on the language because they are already aware of the stories of the animations in their first language.
4. Students will improve their predictive reading skills, listening skills and pronunciation skills and lexical knowledge through a wide range of activities.

評価方法: 20% Reading and listening log of self-accessed extensive reading of English manga and watching English Anime (approximately 5 hours per week).
20% Assignment One: Predictive reading assignment of Dragonball Vol 2.
20% Group presentation of the story and themes in an animation selected by the group.
10% Voice dubbing assignment.
30% Essay on the impact of Japanese animation on the Disney movie Atlantis.

注意事項: Students should already be familiar with and interested ina wide range of Manga and Anime in Japanese before studying them in English. Students should be prepared for a lot of speaking activities in class. Students are reminded that although the title of course suggests this is an interesting topic, they should not believ it will be an an easy course. They will be required to do a lot of work in class and a lot of self-accessed extensive reading and listening activites outside of class.

1.Introduction to the course
2.Development and growth of animation popularity in Japan and around the world.
3.TV Animations : Study of Dragonball phenomenon and reading of Dragonball Vol 1 and related activities.
4.TV Animation : Other TV animations and the impact they have had on youth culture around the world.
5.Themes in animations : Miyazaki films
7.Themes in animation : Other films
8.Translation issues : (Behind the microphone)
9.Translation issues : Production room dubbing activity
10.Movie plots : Describing plots from storyboards.
11.Movie plots : Similarities between Disney's Atlantis and Japanese animated films.
12.Group presentations
13.Conclusion to the course