
This course covers material on the major branches of anthropology from a holistic perspective. Material will be studied in the fields of archaeology and pre-history, human evolution and race, cultural and social anthropology, and ethnology. Some emphasis will be placed on cultural anthropology. Students will become familiar with the major terms and concepts of anthropology and the study of people and their cultures. Lectures will be based on the major textbook, supplemented by relevant films. Ethngraphic case studies will be discussed in groups.

評価方法: 1. Midterm exam 30%
2. Reports on 3 Case Studies (see workbook -- 8 pages required) 40%
3. Classroom participation 10%
4.Film Diary 20%

テキスト名: Salzmann, Z., Anthropology, Harcourt Brace Javanovich
Peters, H, Cultural Sketches: Case Studies in Anthropology
Class workbook and Case Study Questions, available in the KUIS copy center

1.The scope and nature of anthropology
2.The concept of culture and how anthropologists study culture
3.The origin of life, evolution and genetics
4.The precusors of humans and human evolution
5.Humans and race
6.Archaeology: digging up the past-- methods and dating
7.Cultural prehistory of the Old World and the New World
8.Family, kinship and marriage
9.Levels of culture: including technology, food, and social organization
10.Societies: cooperation and conflict,
11.Religion, magic, curing and the arts of traditional societies
12.Anthropology in today's world