  Anthropology and Religion

An anthropological view of religion and its relationship to culture, society and the individual will be considered in this course. An overview of the structures and functions of religion will be included. The theories of scholars such as Tylor, Frazer, Durkheim, Malinowski, Jung, Freud and Wallace will be reviewed. The nature and functions of myth, ritual, mana, animism, shamanism, trance states, rites and symbols will be considered and the overall social and psychological aspects of religious behavior will be discussed. Films and student presentations will be a part of the course.

評価方法: 1. Oral presentation and poster on one case study 40%
2. Eight one-page essays on 8 of the 14 issues discussed in class groups 48%
3. Classroom participation 12%

テキスト名: Selected Readings on Anthropology and Religion: Theory,, Available in the KUIS copy center.
Case Studies on Religion,, Available in the KUIS copy center.
Class Workbook and Discussion Questions,, Available in the KUIS copy center.

1.Introduction and definitions
2.Early anthropoloy and the questions of the evolution of religion and culture
3.Paleolithic religions, Frued's myth on the origin of religion
4.1. Theories of devolution
2. Malinowski and the functions of magic
5.Durkheim: religion and society
6.The functions of religion and religious behavior
7.Psychology and religion -- Freud, Kardiner, Jung
8.The Oedipal Myth -- Freud, Malinowski, Jung, Fromm, Hegel, Levi Strauss
9.Minimal categories of religious behavior
10.Ritual, rites, rites of passage -- Ven Gennep
11.Rituals of Intensification, rebellion, taboo
12.Magic, witchcraft, curing and shamanism
13.Myth, totems, tricksters
14.Student oral presentation based on case studies (readings provided)