  Issues of Controversy in America (& the World)

The problems which face Americans are not problems limited to American society.
They are problems which all nations face - or will face - at some point in the future, regardless of color or race. This course is intended for those students who wish to deepen their understanding of contemporary social issues of America and their subsequent implications for the rest of the world. Such issues as the death penalty, abortion, and alternative lifestyles will be examined.

Topics to be covered may include: 
-The Death Penalty
-Gun Control
-Corporate Power vs. The Individual
-The Media
-Individual Interests/ Global Consequences
*Two to three topics will be covered each term.

Course Requirements: 
Success in this course requires students to think deeply and speak actively. This is an
excellent opportunity for students to develop not only their English skills, but also their critical thinking skills.

1.Active Participation is essential for success in this course.
  (Each student will be expected to speak during every class - in both group & whole class discussions.)
2.Students will be responsible for new vocabulary and will be quizzed during each new topic of study.
3.Students will write in-class & out of class reflective statements (less than 1 page) throughout the course.
4.Students will lead at least one structured group discussion throughout the term.
5.Students will give a group presentation at least two of the topics covered.
6.Students will have multiple choice tests covering all course content.
7.Students will write a final 2-3 page reflective statement (to be explained in class).

評価方法: Active Participation* 25%
This includes regular participation in group & whole class discussions.
(Attendance is required & points will be deducted for each absence.)
-Vocabulary Quizzes & Reflective Statements 15%
-Structured Group Discussion 10%
-Presentations 20%
-Multiple Choice Exams 15%
-Final Reflective Statement 15%
= 100%

テキスト名: There is no text required for this course. Materials will derived from a variety of sources including the Internet, radio programs, movies, newspapers, etc. & will be provided to students by the instructor.