
More than one billion people, most of whom are not native English speakers, speak English. American English and British English are the most well-known varieties of English, but there are numerous others. The various types of English spoken in the world - British English, American English, Singaporean English, Nigerian English, etc. - are collectively known as World Englishes.
The purpose of this course is threefold: to explain the origins of World Englishes, to examine features of various types of English and to look at different uses people have for English.

評価方法: assignments, tests and one essay

・English as a Global Language − advantages and disadvantages
・What are World Englishes?
2.The History of Language Change
・Old English and Middle English
・Resistance to Language Change
・Coining New Words
3.The Cultural Foundation of English
・The spread of the English language − settlement colonies and exploitation colonies
・Political Developments
・Access to Knowledge
4.The Cultural Legacy of English
・The Media, International Travel, International Safety, Education, Communication
・The Emergence of New Varieties of English
5.English in the Inner Circle
・American, British, Canadian, Australian and New Zealand Englishes
・Television, Radio and Newspapers from the Inner Circle
・Grammar, Lexis and Phonetics in the Inner Circle
6.English in the Outer Circle
・Singaporean, Indian, South African
・Television, Radio and Newspapers from the Outer Circle
・Grammar, Lexis and Phonetics in the Outer Circle
7.English in the Expanding Circle
・English in Japan, non-English Europe, etc.
・Television, Radio and Newspapers from the Expanding Circle
・Grammar, Lexis and Phonetics in the Expanding Circle
・English in International Communication
8.The Future of English
・The disappearance of Latin
・Could English disappear? - technological change and revolution
・Mutual incomprehensibility between changing varieties of English