
This course will consider the complex relationship and interaction between language, culture and society. Included will be the background to the field and contributions of major scholars such as Saussure, Boas, Sapir, Malinowski, Hymes, Tannes etc. Topics will be adjusted to students' interests, backgrounds, and majors. Material covered may include multilingualism, the bilingual brain, language planning and policy, language dialect and gender, speech acts, languaculture, intercultural communication and culture shock. Examples and references will be drawn from a variety of cultures, languages and cultural experiences.  

評価方法: 1. Three oral presentations required for all students (see above)
2. Final paper (3-5 pages) on relevant topic of your choice and oral presentation of paper -- required for graduate students, optional for undergraduates and auditors.

テキスト名: Agar, Michel『Language Shock: Understanding the Culture of Conversation』William Morrow & Co.
『Selected Readings for Class Presentations』available in the KUIS copy center
Recommended refernce books
1. Spolsky, B. Sociolinguistics. Oxford Univ. Press
2. Kramsch, C. Language and Culture. Oxford Univ. Press

1.Early background -- Jones, Saussure, Durkheim
2.Anthropological background and relevant definitions
3.Multilingualism, lingua franca, pidgins, and creoles
4.The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis with examples
5.Student Oral Report --Culture and Language Teaching (readings provided)
6.Taxonomies, cognition, color classifications, cultural relativism, psychic unity, Murdock
7.Malinowski, language and fieldwork, Agar on 'rich points'
8.Agar on German, post-Chomsky and language, Bateson
9.Agar on Mexican language and culture, the concept of frames, top-down, bottom-up
10.Student Oral Report -- Japanese Communication (Senko Maynard -- readings supplied)
11.Discourse, speech act rules, stereotypes, Wittgenstein, comparisons -- Austrian, Mexican, American, Swedish
12.Hymes, Condon, frames and discourse compared to photography and music
13.Language planning and policy in Nepal
14.Student Oral Report -- Language Planning and Policy (readings supplied)
15.Speech act rules, regional variations, gender differences, Agars concept of MAR, conclusions