相羽 直實 
Oral Summary Making

The aim of this course is to enable students to use English in speaking and writing. It will involve mainly oral and written summary making. In class students are asked to orally summarize what the text says without looking at it; they are asked to write the summaries of some passages at home. The main material is a textbook as mentioined below; however, a lot of other materials including short stories and essays will be handed out. Since the aim is production of English, reading materials for summary making will be easy. In class, only English will be used.  

評価方法: Based on participation in class, written assignments, and a final examination.

テキスト名: Basil Lechatt, People Are Funny: Looking at National Characteristics, MACMILLAN LANGUAGEHOUSE, 2001.
Easy to read.

注意事項: Students must prepare themselves for the class. More details will be announced in the first class. 

1.Class procedures are explained by using an example: (1) the instructor reads the text, (2) the instructor explains difficult parts and important expressions and words, (3) students ask questions, if any, (4) one or some students read the text, (5) students summarize the text orally without looking at it, and (6) others take notes of grammatical and idiomatic mistakes of the summarizers and point them out.
2.Chapter 1: The Americans
3.Chapter 2: The English
4.Chapter 3: The Italians
5.Chapter 4: The French
6.Chapter 5: The Germans
7.Chapter 6: The Chinese
8.Chapter 7: The Greeks
9.Chapter 8: The Russians
10.Chapter 9: The Aussies
11.Chapter 10: The Spanish
12.Chapter 11: The Kiwis
13.Chapter 12: The Koreans
14.Handout of a short story
15.      〃