1. | The importance if intercultural communication. International contacts <> domestic contacts |
2. | The study of Intercultural communication: its history |
3. | Communication as a dynamic, symbolic, systemic, self-reflexive, complex process. Making inferences |
4. | The basic functions of culture; Definitions of culture; Characteristics of culture |
5. | Forms of intercultural communication |
6. | Perception and culture. Beliefs, attitudes, values |
7. | Cultural patterns: their interrelatedness, their change. Dominant cultural patterns of our age |
8. | Hofstede's value dimensions. Confucian Dynamism |
9. | Kluckhohns and Strodbeck's value orintations. Hall's high-context and low-context orientation |
10. | Deep structure institutions; world view, religion. Mechanistic view <> dualistic view |
11. | Culture and Family. History, society and culture |
12. | Language and culture. Verbal processes. Patterns of thought |
13. | Culture and meaning. Problems of translation. Language use and culture |