徳永 美暁 
Topics in American Studies

It is quite easy now for us, Japanese, to obtain information about the U.S. through various sources such as news, magazines, books, and movies. Moreover, many of us can easily go there as tourists or students. Thus, we tend to think we know America. Do our images and knowlege about the US truly reflect the reality of the country?
This course focuses on the discussions of the typical topics such as America as the country of the melting pot, Individualism, Families, Education, Feminism, and so on. This course also provides the opportunity to review and rethink of our views on the values of the people and the reality in the US.  

評価方法: The final grade will be given based on all requirements (Attendance, Preparation, Class participation, Oral presentation and Final project) for the course.

テキスト名: Gerald Barry, et al.『An Introduction to American Studies』Sanshusha、1991年
Other materials will be distributed depending on students' interests.

注意事項: This course requires students to read the material carefully and thoroughly before coming to the class. Recommended only for serious students who are truly eager to study the content deeply. 

1.American Individualism
3.The American Dream
5.FDR: A Great Ameican President
6.The Businessman as an American Institution
7.Dale Carnegie: A Positive Approaches to Business
8.American Popular Culture
9.The Making of Cultural Myths: Walt Disney and Frank Capra
10.American New Families
11.American Education and American Values
12.Getting Tough: American Education Today
13.The Black Experience
14.Civil Rights in the South
15.The New Feminism