崎山 詩子 
Families in the United States

The family which has been one of the foundations of American society is going through changes as the bases of economic relations change and as value change follows on. These changes in the family have brought up positive and negative outcomes.
The course attempts to consider them through concrete themes as a new style of family, single parent, adoption of children and child abuse in the family, which has been intensely focused in Japan. The class also tries to create opportunities for the students to think these problems as their own future issues. The students are encouraged to establish their viewpoints and express their positions.
Reading materials will be taken from FAMILIES: A CONTEXT FOR DEVELOPMENT (The Falmer Press). Films will be used to illustrate the areas studied.  

評価方法: will be explained in the first class.

テキスト名: will be distributed in the first class.

注意事項: anyone who would like to think of family value system, join us. 

1.Introduction of the class and themes. Explanation of grade evaluation. Distribution
of text copies.
2.By reading an article related to single parent family, drill and dicussion on the concept of the family.
3.By reading an article related to single parent family,and watching a film, dicussion.
4.By reading an article related to ingle parent family, drill and dicussion.
5.By reading an article related to a couple without children, drill and dicussion.
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7.By reading an article related to a couple without children and watching a film, dicussion.
8.By reading an article related to a couple without children, drill and dicussion on the problems of the family.
9.Explanation of untraditional family. Exlanation of debate with a film.
10.By reading an article related to untraditional family, drill and dicussion.
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12.                   〃
13.preparation for debate
15.debate After the 15th session, Child Abuse is studied and presentation planned.