Ethics and Religions

The course begins by looking at the histories and beliefs of the world’s religions, then looks at THREE main ethical issues:
1) Marriage and Family
2) Abortion, Euthanasia and Medical Ethics
3) Pacifism, Capital Punishment and Law
As each issue is introduced, the perspective of each of the six major world religions - Sikhism, Buddhism, Islamism, Hinduism, Christianity and Judaism - is given regarding that issue. The aim of the course is for students to learn about the different standpoints these major religions have towards each ethical issue, and for them to explore their own opinions about the issues for themselves. All of the views are represented without bias, as being neither correct nor incorrect.
The course pack draws on materials from the English High School curriculum, and contains real quotes from religious leaders and texts (the Bible, Koran, etc) of all 6 religions.  

評価方法: Grading:
3 multiple-choice tests: 60%

テキスト名: Students will not have to purchase a textbook, but they will have to purchase a course pack.

1.Course Outline.
2.Introduction to 6 main religions
3.Marriage, Family & Children
4.Sexual relations & Contraception
5.Inter-religious marriage & Divorce
6.Views of different religions
7.Abortion & Beginning of life
8.Rights of the Mother vs. Rights of the Unborn Child
9.Test-tube babies, Organ transplants, Euthanasia & Animal Rights
10.Views of different religions
11.War, Ghandi & Pacifism
12.Death Penalty: Reasons For and Against
13.Class survey & Countries that support the Death Penalty
14.Opposing views about death penalty
15.Views of different religions