田中 真紀子 
Men, Women and Relationships

So often in our dating relationships we misunderstand and misinterpret our partner's actions and reactions. Both men and women want their relationships to be loving, but they just don't understand each other. From first look and first date to first fight, breaking up and making up, John Gray, the author of the # 1 international bestseller, Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus, offers insights into finding true and lasting relationship. The book we will be reading in the class, Mars and Venus on a Date will give us 5 steps to success in love and romance. Let's find out what he has to say!!  

評価方法: 1) Attendance 10%
2) Class participation 10%
3) Presentation 30%
4) Research project 30%
5) Others (homework, vocabulary test, etc.) 20%

テキスト名: John Gray, Mars and Venus on a Date, 1997.