英語総合講座-12 (IL) 
An introduction to human rights

This course aims to introduce students to the world of human rights and the local and global issues that are part of this topic. This is a particularly valuable area of study not only because it is of global importance, but also as it allows the students to integrate what they have learned in many of their other courses at Kanda within an English context. It will cover a variety of topics such as what are rights, the history of rights, the International Declaration of Human Rights, rights organizations like Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, rights in current issues, rights in Japan, minority rights, language rights, animal rights, women's rights, and famous people involved in rights activism.  

評価方法: The course will be assessed by small presentations, fieldwork, debates and a final research paper and presentation.

テキスト名: There will be no set textbook; the course will be based on handouts from the teacher and research that the students will have to do for homework.

注意事項: Although this course is open to all third year students in the Department of Language and Culture, I recommend that students who are confident about their reading and speaking abilities take this class. Class size is limited to 20 students